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I absolutely ADORE this VN. I've never read a visual novel that is so packed with character development, depth, and a really compelling storyline. Favorite routes are Karma's and Fritz's. I didn't initially read the recommended sequence of routes, so I did Fritz's route last, but I think that that was the right choice on my part, because Fritz's route was a heck of an emotional rollercoaster, so much that I even pretty much consider it the "true ending" (maybe also because it ends with magic being gone forever, which creates a lot of bittersweetness to it that I really enjoy in the endings of stories). This is also the reason why Varg is my second favorite character, and his unrequited love for Lucette kind of killed me inside (even though technically Varg and Fritz are the same person). Karma, or Klaude, is definitely my absolute favorite. His route had the most depth and twists and turns, and I was definitely not expecting him to turn into a beast. But this is what is amazing about this visual novel, in that it takes classic fairy tales that you've known your entire life, and changing it into something unique.

Now more on the elements outside of story and routes. The art is AMAZING. There are so many unique sprites and CGs for almost anything you can and can't expect in the story. The GUI design is phenomenal. The animations and effects are superbly done. From the moment I first opened the game, I was instantly stunned by how beautiful everything was. I was definitely drawn in by all of that, and I think most readers were and will be.

Lastly, I'd like to say that because each and every character has so much backstory to all of them, I forged a really strong connection with almost all of them. Mark my words, I am not the type of person to really bond with fictional characters (I prefer just getting absorbed into the story), but I really did for this game. Which is why, again, Fritz's route was so intense for me. So many characters I had grown to love in the other routes ended up dying, and just the ending itself was very bittersweet. The only negative thing I can say is that I feel like Waltz's route was a tiny bit of a disappointment, in that it could have been expanded further. I still have a lot of questions about everything. If Waltz's family was killed by Hildyr, then where did Myth come from? Things like that. And I also feel that in Fritz's route, it still didn't really make sense why he loves Lucette, since her struggle wasn’t really apparent in the beginning of the game. But I guess that he is her personal knight after all, and he knows more than we did when we first started playing. (Did I mention that he knows a lot of stuff about Lucette? So much that it’s sort of creepy? xD) But I think that the whole Varg thing made up for that. I sort of wish that Varg and Fritz would be combined back into one person, instead of Varg being completely erased, because I just adore Varg a lot… probably because after so many routes of me wondering who on Earth he is, I finally get some clarification about him, and I get to know more about him and why he did the stuff he did.

Anyway, this review stretched way longer than I thought it would. Thank you all so much for making this amazing VN, and I’m really really looking forward if y’all are ever thinking of making another one! Awesome work. I rate this 10/10, and I would 100% play again.

I haven't played a game that made me feel this way since Code Realize. I hold these to the same standard which is incredible seeing as this is free. I wish i could have donated to the kickstarter. I'm very excited to purchase the fandisc. Absolutely incredible. All your hard work really shines thru. Thank you. 

I hate almost everything I read, I've only ever liked completely liked two books in my entire life and those were Mary Shelley's original "Frankenstein" and Albert Camus "The Stranger" and I've read a shit ton of books including those books that everyone loves and those that are considered classics. This VN came really darn close to passing my extreme criticism. (To further prove my point on how critical I am of writing, I once told my friend to restart her paper the night before it was due). 

Anyway, this is definitely my favorite VN ever. I loved Fritz's and Karma's routes and I liked Waltz's but I definitely feel it could have been better. 

A big thing I liked about this VN overall is the twist on fairytales it had, especially the twisted endings, the endings were mostly happily ever after but still had a lot of authenticity, except for in Waltz's route. And I suppose Rumpel's, but his character seemed a little misplaced anyway since he was the only one that didn't have some kind of prior connection or logical connection to Lucette  (in Karma's case there was a logical connection since they were both royalty). 

Some of Waltz's route was too staged, like one or two really cliche scenes is good but I feel like there were too many in Waltz's route. Especially since the order suggested in terms of plot was to do Fritz first then Waltz; doing Fritz's path first made Waltz's path feel less realistic. Waltz's route a couple errors in the writing actually, I believe it was Parfait's line when she was talking to Hildyr and she said something like "violence does not beget violence", which isn't the correct use of the word beget. Waltz's strife did not feel all that real to me either, I would like to have known more about his family and his past with Hildyr, and his past with Lucette, I think that would have made it easier to connect with his character. Also more on exactly how he betrayed Hildyr. There were just a lot of unanswered questions in his route and I can't list them all because I'd like to reread Karma's route tonight. Waltz just had so much potential and I feel like he fell really short of that potential. I understand that it would have been a TON more work to really make his story but also like he could have been such a great character. He lost some of his depth in the fact that his personality was so constant and his responses were pretty much the same to everything. I feel like he should have had more than one trait, like his childlike optimism could have shown through a lot more or his love of fun. What's the point of his curse if isn't a part of who he is? That was the whole basis for everyone else's curses and, yeah, Waltz had a different situation but in his case the point of his specific curse was overlooked. If he was supposed to be the grand finale, he should have blown every reader away, even the most critical of readers. 

I would suggest reading Fritz's story last, rather than Walt'z.

I haven't played Varg because I needed an emotional break from his storyline. 

What I love about this VN,

is how different the story is, the twist on old fairytales is genius and this VN could easily become huge, like HUGE with more work. As with anything truly iconic, it takes years of work but this totally has the potential. There were so many unique things to each character and those things were so carefully thought of, some more than others but still. I would love to read more about Karma just in general because he had so many layers and, in my opinion, had the most depth of all the characters. Fritz had depth because of Varg, but Varg's existence could definitely have been explained more/explored more, like how there was enough to create Varg. As well as why Fritz loved Lucette in the first place, like more flashbacks to his past with her because how Lucette is written at first doesn't really support the reason Fritz gives for loving her before she was cursed, it does to an extent but it needs more support. Either way the stories were beautiful, original, and clearly had a ton of work put into them. It is incredible that this is free to download but I am so glad it is otherwise I would never have gotten to read this enchanting story. It reminded me that life is hard but worth it when you have people that love you, even if they are not always with you. Living  away from home for the first time in my life, I definitely needed that reminder. 

Does anybody know how to "reset" the game in order to experience it like the very first time?? I played it more than 2 years ago  but when I re-downloaded yesterday it it still had the achievements and gallery unlocked from my previous play :((

(1 edit)


I finally got to fritz... and even though it was the good ending i played i sobbed so much at the loss of the characters i had grown so familiar with and loved through the other character routes. The plot really opened up and became so complex and layered during his route and it was a hell of a journey all throughout - the feeling of constantly being in danger and knowing that anything could go wrong because of the nearby threat of the evil characters made the story that much more compelling. I just...  i was crying so much. I wanted to say though... the way in which the story was told and carried through was really mindblowing. I was so emotionally invested in the entire world that i didn't take a break from playing this route. This really transformed the way i imagined regular storytelling. I still have to do the bad ending for Fritz and I have yet to do Waltz's route but i need to recover emotionally before i do those. I wanted to leave a comment though because im fEELiNG so many emotions and im awe-struck at just how brilliant this story is. Thank you guys for creating it and sharing it with the us.

ADORE this game!!! played it front to back over and over by far the best dating sim ive played ! cant wait for sequal


y'all made a F R E E game that's this good??? absolute power move, love you guys


It's a damn shame that this game is free. 

I hope you will make or games having to do with other worldly story if you are planning to design another one like cinderella Phenomenon I will support and if t cost any money I will buy it no matter how much it is you have my support   PLEASE RESPOND I WANT ANOTHER ONE OF THESE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

theyre making a sequal!!! look at their tumblr for updates :)


Can you put a link?


I think it's safe to say we need more games with ideas like this.


The best otome game ever. I love Karma, Rod and Waltz route!. I haven't played Rumpel and Fritz. Thanks for this beautiful game. Love the Op! Hoping to see a new otome games from u guys! 

I only got the bad rod route! WTF??? How???

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello! It can be really difficult to get good endings so here's a guide: It will help you get the good ending!

I also got bad ending at first.  Learning that to  choose carefully each choice was enjoyable.  gudluck !

(1 edit) (+2)

This is by far the best visual novel I've ever played! No errors, bugs or glitches, the artwork is beautiful and the characters are unique. Story line is interesting and each route is fun to play and makes you think. Would definitely recommend!  


I can't download it via my itchio app, does anyone know how to fix this?

I think this game needs a Lil bit fixing😅 the text is always out of place I usually click on the log to see what the characters are saying and for some reason when I getting the good ending  their is an error I don't get that error with the bad endings tho. I am on Rumpels route and I have done both good and bad ending and still he doesn't appear on the the start menu and the achievement of good ending I havent got it and fritz and waltz routes are not unlocked. I didn't have this problem with karma's route even when that error appeared karma pic was on the start menu and I got both achievements . I hope when I play Rod route I will unlock fritz and waltz but it would be nice if you guys could fix this cuz I love this game the art the music and the plot the stories are truly beautiful and I really want to play waltz and fritz routes😍❤️ thank you for your time. 

Hello! We're sorry to hear about the error you have encountered. We've looked into the matter and it seems it's an error that happens when playing the ending animation. You may try to play the game on Steam. Your save files couldn't be carried over but the endings you have unlocked and the dialogue you have already read will.  If you could not skip the text, you could open the Settings and change the Skip settings to All, instead of Seen. Let us know if you there is anything else we could assist you with. Please and thank you!

I hope you will make or games having to do with other worldly story if you are planning to design another one like cinderella Phenomenon I will support and if t cost any money I will buy it no matter how much it is you have my support   PLEASE RESPOND I WANT ANOTHER ONE OF THESE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i tried TEN times to not get the bad end in Rod's story and never got a good ending... is there even one?

(1 edit)

Yes, there is a good ending. Just try all the "right" choices (they ususally lead to CGs), when the flower appears on the screen. Sometimes the flower appears after the scene is ended, not right after the choice. So you'll have to restart it. That's how I did it :)

Also, you can look for a walkthrough in the internet.

oh thank you so much for the tip, i cant see well so i must've missed the walk through! thanks again 😊

No problem :)

Deleted post

how exactly do I allow pop ads to be able to download the game on windows 10?

Hello! We're sorry to hear about the inconvenience. Here is the link to the main file: Let us know if you're able to download it. 


Hi !

I have a question : 

I want the player to open the two-character love-loving way and finish them up to the end of the good-ending. And after that, open a way for a secret character. What code should I do in RENPY?

Deleted post

Does anyone know why I can't install the game? It just starts loading then cancels it and now it's just sitting in my downloads :c


Are you using the Itch app? If so, try downloading it using your browser instead. It may work then.


I can't download this :(

Are you using the itch client? I've found that it works 99.9999999998% of the time for me (the 0.0000000002% is when my WiFi isn't working). 


This game I 100% recommend to anyone. The art work is absolutely flawless, and all the characters story lines make you hungry for more. My favorite route was Waltz. And i do also recommend playing it in order it really does help for a better understanding. My favorite part about this game has to be the creativity when it comes to these characters curses. Who would of thought to even use a fairy tale as a curse, i most defiantly wouldn't. That's why this game is truly a work of art. Defiantly a 10/10.


Usually, I am not really into fairytale retells but this one here is so creative, there is not any book you could compare to this interesting story. I downloaded it for free a few days ago and completed it last night. Absolutely fell in love with the creative really different stories. 

I enjoyed that even it all had the same goal, each story really was independent and strong on its own and you never felt like you really just picked the love interest but also got five really different stories.  So for me, it was fun to actually go back and play it again. After completing it I just really wanted to get the artbook as a memory and also having one of th pics now as my phone screen.  

This game is clearly one I would play and read again as it's a beautiful story with interesting characters. 


played it for free and came back to donate, cuz i'm pretty sure this is gonna be my favorite otome game, forever. loved the mc for being more than just another naive sweetheart, and loved even more the variety and uniqueness of all the romancable characters. awesome story and art, too. rare i have no complaints about a game, but there it is :P

Deleted 1 year ago

same for me!

This is happening to me too :c

This was absolutely utterly amazing! I've currently played 4/5 of the routes, my favourite was rod at first .. but waltz aaaaah <3

I'm also quite blown away by the piano music, "Forgotten" especially takes a toll on my heart :') Is there any sheet music available for it? I play the piano and I'd love to learn it so much :')

Thank you so much for creating this game, it probably ruined all other otome games for me since i'll never find one this good again, but who cares! I'll always have it in my heart <3

Any chance you could make the android version downloadable here, as an APK file? I know it's buggy, but I've already played the game all the way through, it's just more convenient to have on mobile and this is definitely a game worth replaying. I found it available on a couple other sites, just with a google search, but TBH I'd feel much better downloading it from here. 

Thanks for the great game!

Hi! Sorry I'm not part of the team or anything, but I'm pretty sure they said at some point the android port was unofficial, so they didn't actually make it.

I loved this game, this is one of my favorite visual novel I played so far and I play a lot of them!!! x3 I loved how the game made the character grow, Lucette was my favorit of them all which which is rare, since I feel most of the female protagonist are lacking or just not strong.

 Lucette is none of that and she is one of the character that grew the most through this game. You can really understand why she is how she is and I will feel attached to her.  Of course all the other characters are really well developped too. :)

Exploring the story was really fun and there wasn't a time where I got bored of it. ^^ The art is beautiful and the story is as rich or even more then very expensive otome games.

All the interactions between the character were natural and really made the story even more interesting. I also like how it's not some game where everything go well and is all happy go round.

I really love and admired this master piece frome Dicesuki!!! <3

I really recommand it to any fan of visual novel! ;)

This is a great name, beautifully done. There is actual character growth through out the entire game. My favorite thing about each route is that your character is learning to love, while at the same time teaching the guy she's pursuing how to love too. It held my interest the entire time. Props to everyone involved in this, but particularly the writers. Great job!

This, is hands down my favorite otome game.

I really, really love how every routes has their own unique story and doesn't only copy paste. I really adore all the characters, they are all so precious and I especially admire Lucette and her character growth throughout all the routes. The art is really stunning and the plot is just worth playing over and over again. I'll never get bored.

I really admire how, despite this game being free-to-play it feels like an expensive commercial game. I thank you so much for making this game and I'm terribly sorry for not being able to pay because I'm still a student that lives in a country that doesn't allow students to work so, yeah...

I'm looking forward to your next games and hopefully I can buy it with my own money next time. Cheers!

This game was amazing it was one of my first pc otome games I downloaded it ealier this year. Sorry I had much going on and couldn't comment about this wonderful game. The forbidden love between you and your step brother. The twists of the beast. Your handsome loyal guard who seems like a dog but is more a wolf. The twists of an amesiac man with a sly devilish tongue. The curse of the man who can't was all a wonderful tale. I would look forward to another one if you ever make one. The game is full of surprises. I play it again when I'm bored or when I can't remember some of the scenes. I love how the female protagonist is not some weak pathetic little gir who is looking for a love story. She had a rough life and has her own demons and while curing her demons she helps those around her!!!! The bad endings were not predictable which was even more amazing. Hoping you come out with a new game soon!!!

I love this game - from the artwork to the characters to the plot - I never got tired replaying this, trying to get the different endings, and it wasn't a copypasta either.

I'm so happy this game is free but it's such good quality I wish I paid for it. I look forward to more games from your company!!! And I'm gonna be playing this one over and over.

Wow, what a beautiful game! It's polished and gorgeous and lovely. Thanks for making it!


Hi, i really want to play the game but itch won't let me download it. I press install, and it starts to download- but the flickers back to saying 'install'  and stops downloading.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, I had the same problem when trying to download the game but i found a work around.  You can download it from the itchio when its opened in your browser, it will take a while but it will eventually download.  After that open your downloads and right click on the Cinderella Phenomenon and then select Extract all.  This is just because the game is a compressed file format.  Thats how I got it to work for me at least.  Hope it works for you too!

Edit: Also you will have to open it directly from your computers downloads, somewhat inconvienient but a small price to pay to enjoy this wonderful game.

Ahh, thank you! It worked. Can't wait to play ^^


This game made me cry so many times because it kept punching me relentlessly right in the feelings, but it was worth it. ;-;  I may or may not have been binge-playing for two days straight.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING THIS VIRTUAL NOVEL. It's my absolute favorite that I've ever played. The characters, the music, the artwork, the script... I would honestly rate everything a 10/10. There are very few games where I fall in love with every single romantic option, but this is one of them. <3  I enjoyed playing every route equally and it was an AMAZING experience because of that. 

You're amazing at what you do!

(3 edits)


i had  been playing this game for 3 days and all the time i spent completing those routes was worth it. i can't even begin to explain how good and well-made this is. every little detail that was spent into this game didn't go unnoticed. the efforts of the creators to make a game possessing high quality graphics and an incredible story definitely paid off as i am certain that everyone who decided to download and play this game was not disappointed. i don't even know how i'm forming sentences right now. i just finished the 5 routes and am in complete spazz mode over how amazing that experience was, so forgive me if i sound repetitive or as if i'm spouting incoherent sentences. 

OK FIRST OFF: THE CHARACTERS. GOD I LOVE ALL OF THEM. and yes, when i say all, i mean all of them! even the villains and the side characters. THEY ARE ALL SO LOVABLE. i can tell how each character was not merely present to serve as plot device  but each of them had their own complexities, their own insights, their own opinions and ideals that they wish to come true. even though this is fictional in every way, i found myself often feeling empathy for the characters. 

SECOND OF ALL: THE SCRIPT.  the way each setting and each action was described was so vivid and well-executed that i literally had to stop and pause the game several times, because i couldn't take in the beauty of the words being used. they were used so effectively in a way that really captures the emotions of the situation being presented in the game.

AND FINALLY: THE GRAPHICS. like how????? the special scenes were too beautiful that sometimes i felt like i didn't deserve to look at them iabdabdabuf. several times, i found myself gasping and just shaking my head at the magnificence of the graphics. this art style has won my heart so many times and i am so happy because it suited the story really well.

also, i suggest that you follow the recommended playing order, because there are some pieces of information about other routes that will be revealed to you which might decrease the suspense factor of the plot. 

that being said, here's the list of the routes from my most favorite to least. 


  1. Waltz
    1. i feel like this is inevitable since he is pretty much endgame just basing from the opening itself. the special scenes with waltz (ESPECIALLY THAT ONE IN THE FOREST OHMYLORD) are so precious that even though i promised to stay loyal to rod, i found myself swooning over him. also, i find that my character's relationship with him is the most adorable out of the others. also, this route has the best ending, because everything felt resolved and there was enough closure with each character. this is also the only route in which i get to actually experience an overdue confrontation with the king and that part made me bawl hard.
  2. Fritz
    1. was this expected too?? lol but this is less because of fritz himself and more because of varg. i got so attached to him (maybe because i'm naturally drawn to bad boy types idk) even though i tried to resist because i knew he was going to vanish in the end. :-( now i'm sad again. i legit cried over varg after finishing this route for like 10 minutes because he didn't deserve that ending ;-; this route probably has the worst ending imo but it was worth it. at least i got some special scenes with varg ;u;
  3. Rod
    1. THOSE HATE-TURNS-TO-LOVE RELATIONSHIPS ALWAYS GET ME. and rod is so freaking cute!!! he's the type i always immediately get attracted to in otomes. (short, blonde hair, blue eyes, kinda looks like a shota, you get the picture) i don't like the ending tho. i hate it when the endings seem temporary and unsure :-(
  4. Karma
    1. i thought he was going to be the playboy type at first but i was so wrong lol i love how overprotective he is (literally everyone in this game was but) and how much he cares for my character despite being selfish. as it was stated in the game itself, my character relates with him the most and they improved together which is so cute.
  5. Rumpel
    1. ok this route was cute, but for some reason, i couldn't empathize with rumpel's character that much. i understood his ideals and his principles, but out of all the other relationships, i felt like this one was the most unnatural or misfitting. i just felt like they weren't suited for each other??? idk

OK FINALLY I'VE SPAZZED EVERYTHING OUT OF MY SYSTEM THANK GOD. and also, A BIG THANK YOU TO THE DEVELOPERS OF THIS GAME. you guys will be remembered as our otome saviors. but in all seriousness, i love you for making this amazing game and for being such skilled and talented people. please make more. 

edit: i've left the game running for an hour in the background now, because i don't want to quit it. the game affected me this much.

edit 2: i'm still listening to the music in the background lol sfienfiewni

edit 3: how does one get over a game and move on with their life

(1 edit)

I'll try to keep it short for everyone's benefit since I have a tendency to be too wordy... PHENOMENAL game. The story is very captivating and unique- it definitely sucks you in. Such a fantastic twist to the tales we've grown up with.  I honestly can't get enough of it and wish there were more games/novels like it! My praise and thanks to the author/developer!

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