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português tem ? 


This game is stunning. I played it on Steam. Definitely try it 

This game is amazing! One of the best visual novels I've ever played. The story is fantastic and the art omg.... Also, I really like the evolution of the MC. This game has everything :)


THIS GAME IS AMAZING XD If you still deciding whether or not to play it just play it! The story is amazing and its one of my favourite visual novels depressed now I got a bad ending haha

(6 edits) (+2)(-1)

Tip to new players: Rod and Waltz's route are highly recommended. I know others love Karma and Fritz, but they stand out the most to me. (Though Rumpel's route is definitely underrated). 

Also use your saves!!! The right choice indicator is very important in this game, so if you're not sure of the option you want to pick, save your progress first.


I just have to. This game is beatiful, emotional and with soundtrack that would move one to tears (in a good way). The story is really well made, as well as all main characters. I have nothing bad to say about it. I played it only once - the Rod route, and the only reason I haven't played more yet, is that I would feel bad for not picking him again (or I would just pick him again-just now I can't do ohervise). But I will. Never played game like this before, but this was exactly what I needed.

thats my first part of the game!!! Really loved it and I will complete it!

I think this game is very good and it's free! The art is beautiful but sometimes looks strange. Your team made such a big job! Anyway, thank you for such a wonderful story!

Saying that this game made me fall in love it's not even close to what I feel. Everything is amazing, from the art, to the story, it's all so beautiful you can't stop playing. I am still crying over A LOT of stuff that broke my heart is tiny pieces, but I will play this game for the rest of my life.

Can't wait for Cinderella Phenomenon 2 uwu

i fell in love with this game it made me cry made me smile made me bitter made me hate a character and the next second i'll be crying over it everything in this game just tugs at my heart forcing me to ride the feels train and i loved every second of it i can't wait for the second one please do your best 

Most of the time when I play an otome game, I usually end up not finishing (sometimes I'm just too lazy to try) all the Love Interest. This was an exemption though cause I really did enjoy this game. I actually played through everyone's route. This got me hooked so much cause only a few otome games give the storyline this much thought. I enjoyed every route cause it was all unique in its own way. I LOVE IT SO MUCH THANK YOU!

(1 edit)

I loved the game when I played it, though I do have a problem.

I can't access the Digital Artbook to purchase it. Is there another way of getting it (From Australia)?


Absolutely loved the storylines.  I think Rod's was the weakest so the recommend order worked out really well.  The visuals are very well done and the music was genuinely enjoyable.  I stayed up past midnight playing through all the stories.  I would really love to see more otome games like this although having more than 2 (rarely 3) dialog options would be nice in a branching story, although I understand how that would complicate development.

Also way to have some courage and kill off some characters.  Bold move, actually made me worried about the people in the game.


Nize artwork. Me like visual novelz and old tales.


I love this game and how beautiful the artwork is. What I hate though is how linear the game is. For example to get the good ending there is literally only one route and every choice must exactly what is the author wants even if the other choice changes nothing but one line of dialogue. Choose wrong and bam bad ending just because you didn't resist when someone was trying to carry you when you weren't feeling so hot.


I love this story/game. <3
How can anyone come up with something amazing like this?

(2 edits)

I fall in love ith this game, the characters, the stories, the graphics, the music, ... everything is beautiful and make me love this game.

I love Lucette and her change, I made Rod's storyline in one night (goodbye my sweet sleep), Karma's in one day (just after Rod's xD), and I will do Rumpel's, Fritz's, and Waltz's because I know they are as much amazing. 

At the beginning I wanted to do Fritz's immediatly because I love this character and I'm glad I couldn't because for now Rod's storytline is my favorite, and his character...oh my god so cute.

I want to say that the graphics are so beautiful too, no, not beautiful, amazing, axesome, magnificent. The curses are also really interesting and intelligently brought/logical (sorry I'm french and I don't know how to say that they suit perfectly the characters (I think I just found a way to say it xD) ).

Finally, I would like to thank you making this game, and to say "Well done" ;)

EDIT : I did all storylines and here goes my ranking : 

1-Waltz (This one is both interesting and lovely, Waltz overtook everyone, and Lucette's actions were cooler)

2-Fritz (It was hard to choose between this one and the following one but the bad end made the difference, oh and just wanna say I knew it was him)

3-Rod (I don't have enough words to say how much this storyline is beautiful)

4-Karma (OMG the end... and he took my heart so fast)

5-Rumpel (he was cute and the storyline good but were not my type)

This game is just woah. The graphics, the music, the plot...the cleverness woven into each storyline...probably the best game I've played on here, along with Butterfly Soup. If you're deciding whether or not to play it, that shouldn't even be a question honestly. Download it!! You won't regret it.

I started and I hated the fact that the witches got slighted and it was called "peace". Then I noticed the main character was a brat. Is it worth it to push thru or do things kinda stay the same?

(2 edits)

LOVE IT! I've been playing this game for 5 days and finished it. I recommend doing the routes in this order; Karma, Rod, Rumple, Fritz, Waltz. Karma gets you ADDICTED to the story line, and saving the best for last is Waltz. A problem with most visual novels is the writing, alot are super cheesy but the writing in this is great! I kid you not, I cried during EVERY SINGLE ONE. Karma made me cry 3 times, Rod 3, Rumple 1, Fritz 2, and Waltz 4 (Yes, I'm aware I'm very sensitive). The characters are great because their damaged. Lucette is such a bummer in the beginning but then you learn why and learn to love her (Especially at the end of Waltz's route). Oh, and who can forget the ARTWORK?! So beautifully drawn. Thank you Dicesuki for making this wonderful game. I will always be on the lookout for something new. MAYBE A VARG GOOD ROUTE??? :)


My absolute favorite route was Waltz. Although the ending wasn't as romantic as the other endings, the rest of the story was amazing. Especially if you're into the magic aspect of it. Karma is the second best, his route goes more into the direction of humans and the physical world. Fritz was also very amazing as well. 

Issue 1: Rod's route. I love Rod, he was cute and incredibly protective of his family and was so LOYAL TO A FAULT he was willing to die to let his true love be happy with someone else. But I hate that they made him Lucettes step brother. I mean, his curse is the reason Ophelia and the King got married in the first place. But once the spell was over shouldn't that have been redacted as well? Or like atleast explained? And because they are still technically "siblings" they can't truly be together. It's still sweet and I literally cried at the very end when I read the words "Would you like to dance?". I kid you not, with the artwork involved and the tone of the writing I broke down right next to my brother looking at me like a crazy person. Still romantic ending. 

Issue 2: TBH I didn't like Rumpel's route very much. I wasn't captivated, it didn't seem very heartfelt because he's always going into a comedic flirting place which always pulls you away from the seriousness of the story line (atleast to me). I also had sort of a hard time having a connection with a character named RUMPEL. 

Issue 3: I wanted a hookup. I wanted her to have a tryst with someone. She gets so close with Karma and Waltz. Maybe in DLC or something well have that chance. 

can only be described as amazing! I am very critical of most visual novel games, but this one is truly one of the best I have ever come across. I played it about a year ago, and this game is what got me more interested in similar games. 

If you are unsure about playing it or not, do it! if you are worried about a bad end then simply look up a walkthrough, or save before your choose. If a colored gem appears, that means you chose the correct answer in terms of getting a good end. I truly love this game and compare it to other games I play in order to determine their strengths and weaknesses because this game covered everything!

Only thing I would want to change is the ability to change the last name of the main character, but that isn't a big deal since the first name can be changed (that is always important in these games).

Not one to give out perfect scores because I believe that we are all human and mistakes are inevitable. However I genuinely do not find any aspects of this game that I am not amazed by. The graphics, sounds, art, detail are great. The story is full of emotion and has the perfect balance. While I did not enjoy all routes, they are not bad, simply not my taste. I can tell the difference between a poor story and one I simply am not interested in. There is something for everyone. It is clear and not confusing which i love. Lastly, it is free. Most games that give you a full story that you can simply read cost money but this is, in my opinion, what should be goal that other creators strive for.

Great work to the creators, and if you make more games like this in the future, I would be honored to play it.

Played this a year ago and still cannot forget UwU

Probably my favorite visual novel ever!


I've played a lot of visual novels in the last 6ish years, and I have yet to come across one as beautiful and mesmerizing as Cinderella Phenomenon. I'm kind of going to go into detail here so SPOILER ALERT lol.

The characters were one of my favorite aspects of the game. They feel so, real and unidealistic. Their flaws are just as projected as their strengths. The main character Lucette is a good example. She's seen as cold hearted and unsympathetic, however she's just being controlled by the aftermath of her mother's prolonged manipulation and emotional abuse.  Rod is standoffish and seems unforgiving but is protective and caring about those he loves. Karma is seen as vain and conceited but he just wants someone to love him and return his affectionate feelings. Rumpel wanted to help everyone he can but eventually stopped caring for himself properly. Fritz was haunted by his demons of wanting to be ideal in his fathers eyes (hence the formation of Varg, the son his father dreamed of), yet cares deeply for the princess. And Waltz, we need say not ;)

Not to forget this game had beautiful music and a storyline that had my eyes glued to the textbox. It was amazing and beautiful, I'd play it a hundred times over. I can't wait for Dicesuki's next game!!

I just finished everyone's routes (took me a week bcs i got busy) I loved it so much! Probably the best visual novel I've ever played. The story and characters are amazing, as well as the art. Some of thr routes made me cry bcs of well... you know... 

Anyway, I got all good ends (and Karma's bad end) but I can't get myself to do the other's bad ends because I love them so much ;-;

Great game! I'll probably play it again if I start to miss it. 

A big thank you to the developers for creating this fabulous game for us.  It is AMAZING! The effort put into this game is clearly evident in the art and plot. Kudos for making this game free so that everyone can enjoy it!

(1 edit)

I wish I could rate this game more than 5 stars because this game definitely deserves ALL of the stars and awards>o<


i finished this game! so now i wanna write my full thoughts on it, apologies in advance for how long this comment is.

i really enjoyed all of the characters! i definitely think, if you're going to go for all the routes, you should play them in the order that's recommended. (rod, karma, rumple, fritz, waltz.) i don't like getting info repeated to me, or having to sit through a route when you know some crucial thing but your character doesn't, and playing in that order minimizes it a lot. each route unveiled some more info that i didn't know yet, and the retreading of things you already know doesn't take that much time. waltz's route also definitely felt like a true ending.

when you play through every route you really end up loving everyone. somehow, rumpel went from a route that i thought i was just gonna play to complete the game, to one of my favorite characters... though all of the characters are basically my favorite characters now. rumpel and fritz's routes ended up making me fall in love with waltz before i even got to his own route. all of the routes are great, but waltz's and fritz's are a step above, tbh. if nothing else, you should play this game for their routes (and since you need to play 2 routes to unlock them, you might as well play all the routes!). fritz's made me almost cry about 3 times, and waltz's had me crying before i was even halfway through. the writing in this game is truly top notch.

i really want to specifically praise the way lucette's relationship with her father is written. i also have a very strained relationship with my own father, and i related maybe a bit too much to her in that sense. the writer(s?) handled it with a lot of grace and made it into something realistic and beautiful. thank you for that, genuinely. it really touched my heart.

this game has so much polish. considering its a free game, i was surprised. the right choice indicator, the little chimes that play as you hover over options, the beautiful art (i feel that rods sprites are especially well drawn), the intricate dialogue box, all of them give this real sense of class to the game. it genuinely feels like a visual novel i would be willing to pay $15-25 for. 

my only real gripes with the game would be:

1. the fact that you're still step siblings with rod no matter what ending you get. i dunno, i love rod, i like his personality, his design, his story, ect, but it feels odd to play a route where your mc is dating their own step brother. and it gets brought up multiple times in the text. i get that they arent blood related, but... it just sits strangely. also

 [SPOILER WARNING FOR ROD'S ROUTE] i wish it was covered somehow, is the king in love with ophelia solely because of rod's curse? did the king love her before, but only go to find her because of the curse? or did he have no clue she existed, but because of the deal rod made, he fell in love and sought her out? maybe it was implied, or said somewhere and i'm forgetting, but i would love to know. though i guess if it wasn't explained, it could always be explained in the sequel. [END SPOILER WARNING]

2. that theres not an annice route!!! holy crap i literally fell in love with annice as soon as she appeared. every time lucette was mean to her it hurt my very soul. i wouldn't even care if it was just a friendship route and not a romantic one, just lemme tell annice that i appreciate her, i respect her, i respect everything she does for the marchen... but i digress. 

to end this long as hell comment, this game is honestly amazing. i'm super excited for the sequel and i'll be waiting patiently for its release! i can't wait to return to the wonderful world you guys crafted. 


About king's relationship with Ophelia, you can find your answer in Rod route itself. SPOILER: Delora said that king married Lucette's mother, because she threaten him that she will kill Ophelia. So they was in love from very beging, when Rod do not even exist. And because it is something which we know from Delora (or Parfait? im sure it was one of them) this is not a curse-related knowledge  but truth.

I have not play Waltz and Fritz routes yet, but im sorry for Annice, Lucette never treat her really good, she was mean or not-so-bad for her but never truly kind (on this 3 routes so far), so yeah, definitivly she deserve more :D


I played this game a while back on steam. I absolutely love this game! One of my favorites!!


Hey devs! Played Cinderella Phenomenon a few months age (it's awesome) and while looking for more VNs months later I found Locked Heart. I just wanted to know that you've got branding, because even if I only remembered why "Dice" sounded so familiar later on, I realized from the art and the spin on fairy tales that Locked Heart was also from you. And I'm not just deconstructing. Realizing the similarities came later. While playing Locked Heart, I really felt as if I was in the same universe as Cinderella Phenomenon. It's that sort of atmosphere that made me ask myself why it was so familiar. Anyway, you guys rock.


please make the donate link in steam bigger. Some lazzy peopel like me dont see it. Missed your game so much that i startet searching for your other works. found this site and could finally give you your money.

Have you looked for Locked Heart? Simpler story and fewer characters, but still gives the same vibes as Cinderella Phenomenon. (Dicesuki was also a creator of it, but it's enlisted on a different creator page in Itch.)

yes, i found locked heart while i was searching for a similiar game like Cinderella Phenomenon ;) then i found out that it was also from Dicesuki.

Indeed, I see both as great games that have only the most minor critique because they excel in every aspect!

(1 edit)

Where can I find the game? Is it on this platform ( or is it somewhere else?

Edit: Nevermind, I found it. It goes by a different name (not Dicesuki) and I was confused for a sec lol

(1 edit) (+1)

Just to give a little tip to new players, here's an order of the characters you must play first and last IMO in order to get the best of the story like a movie:

1st: Karma

2nd: Rod

3rd: Rumpel

4th: Waltz 

5th: Fritz 

Some people say that Waltz is the perfect true ending of the story and I agreed with them until I played Fritz's route. Fritz's is so different, it gives you many bittersweet feelings (it's the darkest one as well but also the realest ) that it should be played last. Also, it's a good thing you have to play others in order to unlock them. THEY SHOULD BE THE LAST ONES. 


Wish i would've seen this before playing,this is so helpful! But thankfully i kind of played in this order, except i played waltz  before rumpel because i was too eager haha. Waltz was my fav from the start.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hahaha I did the same exactly.. It's a good thing though you'll play Fritz last. It's darker compared to others and the end is so much different :D I won't say anything else, don't wanna spoil it. Have fun and let me know what you thought of it ^_^

P.S I got so angry with Lucette in Fritz's route. I'd love to punch her in this one!


I think the bittersweetness of Fritz's is good as a second to last, personally. Because it is more sad than the others in a lot of ways, so it's a good breath of air/tone break before having another tense, but somewhat happier ended route, of Waltz' after.

Great game! I have played Karma's route and am playing through Rod's route now. I love it!!


This is one of the best games out there normally with games with a lot of story lines it gets boring but in this game I just loved it the story was something fresh and new I loved how the main character has personality I just loved it all together 


I am SO excited for the sequel! Thank you SO much for creating a sequel to this beautiful game! I've been keeping up with the updates on yall's tumblr on the sequel, and I cannot wait to play it! This is one of the most BEAUTIFUL otome games I have ever played. I loved all of the characters, and I never expected the storyline to be so deep and compelling. The MC here had so much character development, unlike a lot of other otome games that I've played, and I loved her interaction with all the other characters and how she grew to be a better person at the end. This is my all time favorite otome game, and as I said, I cannot wait for the sequel!




Yes there is! It's called Cinderella Phenomenon Evermore! They are still currently working on it! They posted screenshots of their progress on their tumblr and even posted the new intro song for the sequel! It's so good! I can't wait to play it :)

Thanks for letting me know! Ahhhh i'm so excited? Is there a release date yet? Will it be free or no?

They are expecting to finish the game the beginning of this year, but they aren’t sure yet! I’m not sure if it’s gonna be free or not though haha

    I couldn't get this on itch, but I did go to the website, download the zip, and play through almost all of it. I SO WANT TO DONATE, BUT I HAVE NO MONEY T_T I've played all the routes except Fritz's, but have only got the bad route for Karma. My favorite two routes BY FAR were Rod's and Waltz's. For once, I didn't mind the lack of NFSW in this visual novel, because the sotry was actually well-written and incredibly fun to explore. (Though now that I've experienced most of it, a sort of 'mod' or 'dlc' with NSFW similar to NekoJishi has would be appriciated. Maybe coming off a kickstarter or patreon?) It has comedy, an amazing concept with a good plot, and while it was a bit on the nose the main character had a nice arc and actualy developed as a person rather than being this static character that you see in so SO many visual novels. I am definitely rating this a 5/5 stars!

    Either way, I thoroughly enjoyed this, and the fact that it's free baffles me. As someone who couldn't pay to play it, I really appriciate the quality and love that was clearly put into this. If I ever get any funds online, there will definitely be a donation made!


I've played Rod's and Karma's routes so far.. and oh god, I can't say enough about this game so far. Just SO good. The story is captivating and Lucette's growth in each was amazing to witness. Loved Karma's route more, which is odd as I don't usually go for that type of character often! Beautifully written. Can't wait to play the rest. I wish I could binge it all at once, but alas- I have to sleep since I have to do adulting things like work... this kind of story reminds me of the wonder when I first started playing otome's, which was like... gosh, tad over 10 years ago? A tween, I was. It was nice being revitalized by this one. Definitely one of the best, top 10 I've played, for sure. 

One of the best games i have ever played. Emotional,Comedic and Deeper than it seems-I'm so glad to have found this and started my new year with it. I relate to the protagonist on so many levels and all of the characters were endearing. This is a masterpiece and it's a wonder that it is free. Thank you so much to everyone who worked on this and brought it to us all! My favorite routes were Waltz(though i felt the romance was a bit rushed? like i didnt see enough development? idk might just be me,i wanted to see more of their childhood together),Karma and Fritz!^^ I honestly think this story will stick with me for quite some time.

Waltz's and Karma's were my favourite and it may seem a bit rushed with Waltz but I think he has always loved her so it came quite fast, just didn't show it till later. My least favorite was Rumpel's, his story and curse were interesting but I didn't understand the development with Lucette there. I could understand Lucette's feelings but not his.. Felt rushed and also (SPOILER AHEAD) this little drama with his ex was kinda.. meh. This story though is amazing indeed and I can't stop playing it even after finishing it so many times :3

(1 edit)

Completely agree! I figured waltz had loved her before,but i wanted to see more of those childhood moments so i could feel more attached and understand better. And  i feel like Lucette's feelings didn't really develop or she didn't really care about him until his spell was broken? (which i get bc she wouldnt fall in love with a kid,but i wanted to see progression there). I like Karma's a lot too but there also wasn't a lot of depth. Completely agree about the rumpel story!! Honestly,the ex thing just kinda grossed me out.  Like this little 17 year old girl is getting with a practically divorced man,yikes...but i mean it was entertaining! The game is sooo good,i only have Fritz left to finish.
(Oh,also,i felt like i wanted more progression for rod's end? idk)

For some reason i am unable to download this game?? It won't even begin installing

There should be a button on the right side of the download button that's meant help you out. :)

Thank you <3

You're welcome! ^-^


This comment is  a review and contains spoilers. The start and end of each spoiler section is marked. I apologise for any grammar or spelling mistakes as English is not my first language.

This game was so well made it made me feel guilty for not being able to donate to the creators.

First of all, the artwork. Absolutely amazing. Beautiful, captivating illustrations. Interesting character designs. Sprites full of emotion. It has been a very long time since I've seen a game in which the visuals on their own pulled me so much into the story. I felt like each character's art truly captured their personality and role in the plot. My personal favourite were the illustrations displayed during the flashback sections. 

Second, the music was amazing as well. It was fitting into the story, it helped to set the mood and it was an element of the narrative.

Thirdly the game was easy to navigate, did not have any crashes or glitches and the save folder was easy to find (which is very imporant to me as i tend to delete free-to-play games from my computer to save disc space, but like to keep the saves in case i ever wanted to re-play it - and this game is definetly one i'll be replaying).

I decided to play all of the routes in the suggested order and i highly recommend doing that. By following the recommended order you avoid reading spoilers about characters who's route you haven't played yet. The routes also have a nice build up, leaving the ones filled with most tension to the end. In my opinion Waltz's route is also very fit to be the last one as it has the most satifying ending and could be considered the true route.

overall rating 7,5/10
As it was the first route I played i didn't really know what to expect (I wasn't even sure if the routes meant a love story or just focus on a specific character). The writing was good and i had a lot of fun playing it, especially getting to know Lucette, her life at the palace and her family. I especially enjoyed the time spend with Emeliegne.
I also really really enjoyed the scene with breaking Rod's curse - as a person rather familiar with fairytales and with a passion for figiuring out plot points before they happen  i quickly guessed that Lucette would have to throw herself into the knife to keep Rod from stabbing his love and i was SO READY FOR THAT. 
I had lots of fun. Compared to the other routes Rod's didn't leave much impact on me, although i believe it's more of a compliment to those routes than a fault in this one. It did however leave a bit of bad aftertaste due to being, well, kinda incest-y.

overall rating 10/10
Yes, yes, A MILLION TIMES YES! Easily my favourite route, although I might be biased, given that the Beauty and the Beast is my all time favourite fairytale and i just have to appreciate every retelling in any shape or form. Karma is an absolutely captivating character and his and Lucette's relationship felt so incredibly real. They have gone through similar hardships in life and come from similar backgrounds so their bond and love felt like the most natural thing in the world.  As with Rod, i did figure out how the route was going to end rather quickly, this however did not make me enjoy the gameplay any less. I got so into the story that i just couldn't stop playing and ended up staying up late into the night just to get to the ending.
THE LAST CHAPTER. AMAZING. BRILLIANT. FUDQIOWDIQXIXQIOWJSOID. I'm always a sucker for the "I will never be afraid of you" (proceeds to hug the beast) trope in fairytale retellings. 
Also, the fact that his brother's name is Llama. Whoever came up with this, I love you.
The only thing missing in the ending (imo) was a bit of info on what the political impact of Klaude's and Lucette's relationship was. Because surely there must be some, right?
Conclusion: Karma has stolen my heart and sould and is not planning on giving it back. Will 100% replay this route at least once.

overall rating 8/10
Rumpel's route i was looking forward to the least and originally wanted to play it only for the sake of completion. That feeling was a result of Rumpel giving off incredibly intense Nice Guy TM vibes. Boiiiiiiiiii was I wrong!!! I was incredibly pleasantly surprised with Rumpel's character and character development. 
I really liked the fact that even though Bria was a past love interest and also a cheater we got to see her side of the story as well, instead of just painting her as a villan. It was new and refreshing. I also would absolutely never have guessed that Rumpel was a doctor????????????? I like to think I'm hard to surprise by stories and i have been completely surprised by this one!
Conclusion: Good route. Had lots of fun. Kept staring lovingly at Karma every time he appeared on the screen.

overall rating 9/10
Definitely the one i was looking most forward to after seeing the prologue. I am a sucker for friends to lovers tropes and was hoping to find that here. I didn't exactly but still the route was incredibly good.
I have to say that i did figure out Varg was Fritz already when encountering him in Rod's route ( i was convinced he was wearing a mask for a reason so i started to compare his skin and eye color to every character already known). I was however really surprised by how much i grew to like Varg. I started off pretty much hating the dude and ended feeling bad for the fact that he had erased his existence and had to do so knowing that the person he loved would never love him back (even though he technically is the same person as Fritz so he didn't really die or anything, right). And the line in the ending about seeing something familiar in Fritz's cocky smile fucked me up. 
There was also a bit too much death for me. Cried everytime.
Conclusion: How did I end up liking Varg so much??????????? I wish it was a bit longer so that we could spend more time with both Varg and Fritz, but oh well you can't have everything right.

Overall rating: 10/10
I FOUND THE CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TO LOVERS!!!!! HHHHHHHH!! Waltz is absolutely amazing. The story felt so diffetent from the previous ones, in a good why, though i can't exactly put my finger on why that is. The little moments when Waltz was showing his magic skills to woo Lucette: Delicious. Finally some good fucking food.
The ending was so extremely satifying!!! The fact that Lucette actually becomes queen (even though the king had to die (i cried)), the parade through the town with lilies everywhere, Lucette protecting the citizens from Hildyr, the ball, Lucette in that beautiful dress... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Also why did Waltz never properly dress up for that ball do you not own any clothes boi.(jk i know sprites are time consuming)
Conclusion: Great. 100% will play again. Almost made me stop thinking about how much i love Karma.

can i just say i agree with literally your ENTIRE comment? but specifically i relate wayyy too much to your comments on fritz's route. [will also be mentioning some spoilers here, if anyone hasn't completed fritz's route yet then tread carefully!]

1. recognizing varg was fritz as soon as i saw him in rods route (the first route i played). i didn't expect it to be some kind of alter ego thing though, i was just sitting there like "why did they make fritz wear a wig." i was trying to figure it out the entire time before i got to fritz's route, but i didn't end up thinking of a reason until it was actually told to me. 

2. falling for varg as well. by the end of the route i was sitting there like "FUCK GO BACK." i really wanted to show varg some love as well as everyone else, lol. i thought it was so sweet how he talks about how fritz's love for you must've rubbed off on him because hes falling for you too. "but you could never love me" just fuck me up dicesuki. speaking of dicesuki fucking me up, im with you on how much death there was in fritz's route. in all the other routes there was basically no death- maybe 1 or 2 causalities, mostly only if you got a bad ending. and then fritz came in like a fucking TRUCK and ran over my HEART.  

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