Played in 2017 on another platform and loved the shit out of it. I remember playing every single route, taking my sweet time - I spent almost 25 hours on it and still remember it to this day. Excellent game and an example of how in this genre every single narrative thread can add to the world building, making earlier paths more meaningful in hindsight. Both good and bad endings added so much to the story as a whole. Really well done!
This was one of the first otome games I ever played, be it years since the first time I played it. I think everyone here would agree that this game is a true masterpiece in every way. There simply isn't a reason not to play it.
This game, it's amazing. I grew up with it after my da introduced it to me, and it holds a special place in my heart. The heroine is so well written, and so are the other amazing characters. The fantasy setting is laid out nicely, along with the original music in the game!
ok, so, the game was very well-made. i loved the plot & artstyle. it was very well done. the only problems i have is that (spoilers??) lucette, the main character, on rumpels route, are both dating. it is shown that rumpel is 24, while lucette is still 17. it's just fairly weird, considering that she is a minor & he is an adult. another problem is that rod is her step-brother, and there is a romantic route for him. i wished it would be more like a family-bonding route, but in surprise, it wasn't. overall it's a very good game.
ok so where not going to talk about how the mom's name mean surrender in welish??? AND YES I SEARCHED UP HOW TO PRONOUNCE IT AND TURNS OUT IT MEANS SURRENDER!!! *NO JUDGE ZONE*
I mean how else did his parents expect him to turn out when they basically named him loyal knight? \_O_/ He was either going to resent the name and become self entitled, or follow it and become selfless to a fault giving all of himself in the service of others.
Please tell me I wasn't the only one who looked up play throughs for the good ends-- i'm not the smartest tool in the shed. Also I love Karma alot- he inspired the name I currently go by and honestly he's an icon. Sure I may have played this like months ago and finished the squeal but i can't help but come back to the game
SAME!!! but then I search the answers for karma cause I loki cryed when he died in the bad ending- everytime I followed the instructions the crystal showed up so I figured it was good- but is we not going to talk about how Rumpel likes when we are rude to him- werid but ok (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ
Honestly same, like I usually pick choices that I think make sense but I ended up dying boh times I tried (Rod & Karmas route) So I just looked up guides
I know this is out of the blue and might not be read..but will you ever consider bringing back the Android version of the game? It was working, I think? But only for devices with smaller frame, so it's practically impossible to played since the script isn't inside the screen.
well,it's been a while since i played it,but only now i got time to write what i think about the game,it's one of my favorite Vn so far,i loved every single route,i cried and i laught a lot.My first route for sure it's Fritz,i got depressed with the ending tho lol,so many deaths for me.(i also got so happy,i turned into a sentimental mess).Anyway thank you for the game and be health.
Heyyy its me after the the good ending for Rod. Lemme just say, THE ENDING IS ADORABLE. And now to play the others. Hopefully I get as much attached to the other guys as much as Rod.
I recently finished this game I had the rod route. I got the bad ending btw. So I thought rod was cool (and ngl kinda hot 0-0). And I got somehow I had gotten obssesed with this character, and I maybe cried a lil. But the game is wonderful. And now typing this, im really impressed the creators were able to make me feel this way. They made me feel anger,sadness,stress, and happiness. And now im going to replay it over and over and over again till I get the good ending with him. So thank you! This game is now one of my top 3 fav games on here. Thank you for making this.
Firstly, I love this game to pieces. I downloaded it years ago when I was 17 and now I'm replaying it to catch up for the sequel. But even though I love this game, there's something that caught my eye now that I'm playing it as an adult. I see this whole situation in a morally grey area. Hear me out: Lucette is given the Cinderella curse to teach her how to be kind. The problem is, Lucette isn't evil. She behaves more like a temperamental teenager than an actual evil person. Delora and Parfait state they did this so she wouldn't go down the path of her mother but by doing so they are manipulating Lucette. Instead of trying to explain to her why her mother's actions were wrong, they decided the best course of action was to force her to learn how to be kind. Lucette is the victim of abuse, what she needed was a helping hand, not a punishment disguised as a favor. And speaking of Lucette's mother, that is also a morally grey area because it's revealed Lucette's mother was not always like this. But because her species was being murdered and discriminated against by the humans and she could feel every witch's death and pain, she turned insane and bitter. Yes, Hildyr was the worst person alive but I fully think she lost her mind after feeling years of torment and anguish. It's even stated that the Tenebreum Crystal causes the bearer's heart and mind to become corrupt. She is also a victim, none of this would have happened if that Hans guy hadn't portrayed witches in such a way. To me, he's the real villain and even though he was killed by Lucette's mother the damage was already done. Witches are still being persecuted and discriminated against. I was hoping there'd be some more explanation on how the kingdom's racism will be countered now that their queen is half-witch but since this is a romance novel, it'll probably not be addressed.
Right because I've played the game and the sequel and they never explain why Parfait never stepped up and rebutted the fairytales. Or helped Hildyr. She was Hildyr's best friend but she let her crumble under all that weight. In the sequel, they try to make an excuse that Parfait was influenced by the Lucim crystal which strived on positive feelings, and because of that she was extremely optimistic about the situation but that makes no sense. She witnessed the harassment and killing of witches and never did anything, she witnessed Hildyr killing the king and didn't do anything. The only time she got involved is when Waltz decided to betray Hildyr. If not for him, Hildyr would still be ruling. The fact of the matter was Parfait didn't see a need to step in because it wasn't affecting her. She doesn't even stop Delora's cruel remarks towards Lucette, she just gives her a stern look then changes the topic. Parfait is a coward and ultimately that caused problems. Another thing that showed Lucette did not deserve this was her relationship with her dad. She's so forgiving in every route she tries to build a relationship with him again and it just boggles me. He spent 4 years after Hildyr's death ignoring and mistreating her but for some reason, he gets the chance at forgiveness? And they try to remedy this by saying he couldn't be near her because of Hildyr and he hosted those surprise parties for her but that all stopped when Hildyr died. Meaning he stopped expressing his love for her. And for no reason too since no one was blocking him from it. I do agree that he showed more care towards Emelaigne and Rod than his own child which is disgusting. This game loves making Lucette the villain or the bad person but no one else was held accountable for their actions.
Thank you so much, yes it will be a visual novel (otome) called dress code ribbon, it's my first time trying to do everything, from writing the script to character design and I'm stuck at learning programming language but I'm having the most fun experience ❤️
Sorry for the late response i noticed tge notification today but reading what my self 200 days ago said dis put a smile on my face
- Rod's route: Heart thumps BRUHHHHHHHHHH </3 I'm so sad they can't be together. This route made me so goddamn soft I give it 8/10 relationship was v slow at first but a slipperly slope after the second half. Felt kinda rushed idk
- Karma's route: OK IM BLUSHING OK CHILL :) Karma was my favourite from the start because I'm a bisexual mess, but HOLY SHITTTT mans straight up swept me off my FEET. After all the rose imagery I guessed that his curse was based off of beauty and the beast, but the reveal was still really well written! For sure a solid 7/10. Karma's character was a bit empty at first, but he built well throughout the story. I'm putting his route below Rod's in rating because of writing, but in terms of overall enjoyment and romance I'd give it a 10 without a doubt
- Rumpel's route: SO GODDAMN WHOLESOME. This is exactly what i needed to make me feel less depressed and worthless all the time :') At first I was unsure if I would actually enjoy Rumple's route (he didn't really seem like my type AT ALL), but it very nearly made me cry. The only real issues I have with this route is that Lucette never seemed like she would suit Rumpel? Obviously they did end up clicking, but it just didn't make as much sense to me and there wasn't as much natural chemistry as with the other characters. This route really set me up well for the overaching narrative that was being conveyed throughout the entire game (especially in the last two routes), and it was done so splendidly! 7/10
- Fritz's route: Sobbing. Fucking sobbing. 100% lore 100% PAIN. Literally kill me I can't take this. I was already messed up by CHAPTER 4! THATS WAY TOO EARLY. Also,,,hot dominant alter ego hehe yeah ;) I pretty much guessed that Barg was at least connected to Fritz from his first appearance, but OH BOY. I sure do love me some dual personalities! And moral ambiguity. Love that very very much. Also, adiuva is actually a latin phrase with two meanings! It's a second-person imperative of adiuvo and can either mean "me" as in "you" (basically calling the other person as if they were yourself) or it can mean 'you help' or 'you assist.' Thought that was interesting given Fritz's curse. if I'm being totally honest, I very nearly played this entire route in one sitting because I was so hooked by the story :') 9/10 for angst all the way until it was suddenly toothrotting fluff
- Waltz's route: True route. No other routes exist after I played this one. Karma? Who the fuck is that? Fritz? WEAK COMPARED TO WALTZ OH MY GOD-- Lucette and Waltz were made for each other and it's so beautiful I'm crying. This is some good shit okay? There is only one man and his name is Waltz. heart </3 I was grinning like an idiot for so much of this route. Especially that one scene in chapter 8 :) I screamed so loud holy shit. Also the ending, I cannot flaw it. It was such a beautiful fairytale ending and it made me so goddamn happy. I cried a lot :') Actually wait, I think I can flaw the ending. I really wanted Waltz to propose to Lucette but alas...Anyway, thank you for making such a lovely game! I give this route (and the game as a whole) 10/10
I love both of your games. Got both on steam and can't play them enough.
But wanted to ask if it is possible to get / buy the soundtrack of both of your games.
I love the music to you Games Best wishes <3
Loved this game more and more (finished most of it in 2 days), I had seen it before on my feed but was super skeptical for some reason, and then I got Visual Novel depraved and gave it a shot. Honestly? I fell face-first for half these characters within 5 minutes, and will have a hard time reverting back to reality. Lol
TLDR; Wonderful game, I love that it has solid grammar and actual character art/cgs/music/etc. So; thank you for making this, truly it's just astounding.
I have a serious pair of questions. One, what was it that Mythros was going to ask of Lucette in Rod route, and two WHY ISN'T IT POSSIBLE TO DATE MYTHROS!??! HE IS SOO FREAKING DARK AND HAWT AND I NEED IT!!
I was 17 or so when I played this for the first time. Accustomed to the higher production of other VNs, I was kinda sceptical to play this. Even though there were some things that I had liked, I thought that this was okay, but not my favorite. But one day, I got my eyes opened when I played this a second time. Maybe because I blinded myself on purpose back then but have matured since lol I don't know how and why XD So suddenly, this became one of my favorites. It has been months since I last played, but I always remember the feelings this VN got me to feel XD I'm sorry I can't review with details like I always do to others, but please receive these small compliments of mine in this ocean of praises >.<
Thank you for creating this game. Thank you for making me like indie games. Thank you for making this game free when I was still a broke-ass person [still now, but I guess I have money and a way of paying now lol]. I have not bought Evermore just yet, but I'm planning to, absolutely :)
Hello, I realized that even though the sequel is out, this game has never been translated into other languages? If possible, I would love to participate in a translation of the game in French, I have seen in the steam community that others would love to help with as well! If this the least we could do to make this wonderful game more accessible, I would love to help as well!
Even though you cannot really customize the character, and after learning that the choices aren't as vast or as personalized as other VNs, this is definitely worth it. This was the first VN I had ever played and am quite fond towards it. The story was so well written and executed, that I genuinely became attached to the characters and the MC, and it's one of the few VN's that left me feeling sad after it ended lol. Download it for sure.
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God this is such a good game but why do I always torture myself by purposefully getting the bad endings! I'm gonna go cry in the corner now😭
did you figure it out? i'm having similar issues
Played in 2017 on another platform and loved the shit out of it. I remember playing every single route, taking my sweet time - I spent almost 25 hours on it and still remember it to this day. Excellent game and an example of how in this genre every single narrative thread can add to the world building, making earlier paths more meaningful in hindsight. Both good and bad endings added so much to the story as a whole. Really well done!
This was one of the first otome games I ever played, be it years since the first time I played it. I think everyone here would agree that this game is a true masterpiece in every way. There simply isn't a reason not to play it.
Also Waltz is best boi in my opinion
I finished all routes. A true work of art. Im just sad that we can't actually romance Varg...
Isn't he like- Fritz's alter ego? If you go His route, doesn't that mean that you romance him for awhile?
Nah, our character clearly hates him :/
oh, ok
This game, it's amazing. I grew up with it after my da introduced it to me, and it holds a special place in my heart. The heroine is so well written, and so are the other amazing characters. The fantasy setting is laid out nicely, along with the original music in the game!
I just started the game and there is a contract thing. I tried to click something but I doesn't do anything, what should I do
Thank you
this literally now one of my fav otome games
the mc isnt even that bad and she gets cursed..... that poor girl
ok, so, the game was very well-made. i loved the plot & artstyle. it was very well done. the only problems i have is that (spoilers??) lucette, the main character, on rumpels route, are both dating. it is shown that rumpel is 24, while lucette is still 17. it's just fairly weird, considering that she is a minor & he is an adult. another problem is that rod is her step-brother, and there is a romantic route for him. i wished it would be more like a family-bonding route, but in surprise, it wasn't. overall it's a very good game.
ok so where not going to talk about how the mom's name mean surrender in welish??? AND YES I SEARCHED UP HOW TO PRONOUNCE IT AND TURNS OUT IT MEANS SURRENDER!!! *NO JUDGE ZONE*
Rumple name spoilers; sort of:
I mean how else did his parents expect him to turn out when they basically named him loyal knight? \_O_/ He was either going to resent the name and become self entitled, or follow it and become selfless to a fault giving all of himself in the service of others.
Please tell me I wasn't the only one who looked up play throughs for the good ends--
i'm not the smartest tool in the shed.Also I love Karma alot- he inspired the name I currently go by and honestly he's an icon. Sure I may have played this like months ago and finished the squeal but i can't help but come back to the gamebro- same- even thou Rumpel was the easiest one, the other ones keep dying on me :<
Not me trying to see if i got the answers all correct and this shows up instead-
Like what the acutal fu- 👁👄👁omggg- but yeah, the crystal at the corner of the screen confused me- i couldn't tell if it was good or bad
SAME!!! but then I search the answers for karma cause I loki cryed when he died in the bad ending- everytime I followed the instructions the crystal showed up so I figured it was good- but is we not going to talk about how Rumpel likes when we are rude to him- werid but ok (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ
honestly all the deaths had me in tears- but yeah rumpel into something else loll
lmao- I mean rumpel kinda got me simping as well as the others-
ikr lmao
yess i tried to do rod's route by how i would choose, and i got the bad end :( so i had to search up a guide on how to get rod's good end
Honestly same, like I usually pick choices that I think make sense but I ended up dying boh times I tried (Rod & Karmas route) So I just looked up guides
The right choice undicator confused me so much- I didn't know what meant right and what meant wrong :(
This game is amazing. I like it a lot. I haven't finished yet, is so cool tho.. And free. This should be popular
Its an old game, thats why it isn't as popular. go back about five years and this game held the crown of best in the industry
I know this is out of the blue and might not be read..but will you ever consider bringing back the Android version of the game? It was working, I think? But only for devices with smaller frame, so it's practically impossible to played since the script isn't inside the screen.
well,it's been a while since i played it,but only now i got time to write what i think about the game,it's one of my favorite Vn so far,i loved every single route,i cried and i laught a lot.My first route for sure it's Fritz,i got depressed with the ending tho lol,so many deaths for me.(i also got so happy,i turned into a sentimental mess).Anyway thank you for the game and be health.
Wtf- why did Rod die like that I am upset and crying right now but i liked the game.
Heyyy its me after the the good ending for Rod. Lemme just say, THE ENDING IS ADORABLE. And now to play the others. Hopefully I get as much attached to the other guys as much as Rod.
I recently finished this game I had the rod route. I got the bad ending btw. So I thought rod was cool (and ngl kinda hot 0-0). And I got somehow I had gotten obssesed with this character, and I maybe cried a lil. But the game is wonderful. And now typing this, im really impressed the creators were able to make me feel this way. They made me feel anger,sadness,stress, and happiness. And now im going to replay it over and over and over again till I get the good ending with him. So thank you! This game is now one of my top 3 fav games on here. Thank you for making this.
Firstly, I love this game to pieces. I downloaded it years ago when I was 17 and now I'm replaying it to catch up for the sequel. But even though I love this game, there's something that caught my eye now that I'm playing it as an adult. I see this whole situation in a morally grey area. Hear me out: Lucette is given the Cinderella curse to teach her how to be kind. The problem is, Lucette isn't evil. She behaves more like a temperamental teenager than an actual evil person. Delora and Parfait state they did this so she wouldn't go down the path of her mother but by doing so they are manipulating Lucette. Instead of trying to explain to her why her mother's actions were wrong, they decided the best course of action was to force her to learn how to be kind. Lucette is the victim of abuse, what she needed was a helping hand, not a punishment disguised as a favor. And speaking of Lucette's mother, that is also a morally grey area because it's revealed Lucette's mother was not always like this. But because her species was being murdered and discriminated against by the humans and she could feel every witch's death and pain, she turned insane and bitter. Yes, Hildyr was the worst person alive but I fully think she lost her mind after feeling years of torment and anguish. It's even stated that the Tenebreum Crystal causes the bearer's heart and mind to become corrupt. She is also a victim, none of this would have happened if that Hans guy hadn't portrayed witches in such a way. To me, he's the real villain and even though he was killed by Lucette's mother the damage was already done. Witches are still being persecuted and discriminated against. I was hoping there'd be some more explanation on how the kingdom's racism will be countered now that their queen is half-witch but since this is a romance novel, it'll probably not be addressed.
Right because I've played the game and the sequel and they never explain why Parfait never stepped up and rebutted the fairytales. Or helped Hildyr. She was Hildyr's best friend but she let her crumble under all that weight. In the sequel, they try to make an excuse that Parfait was influenced by the Lucim crystal which strived on positive feelings, and because of that she was extremely optimistic about the situation but that makes no sense. She witnessed the harassment and killing of witches and never did anything, she witnessed Hildyr killing the king and didn't do anything. The only time she got involved is when Waltz decided to betray Hildyr. If not for him, Hildyr would still be ruling. The fact of the matter was Parfait didn't see a need to step in because it wasn't affecting her. She doesn't even stop Delora's cruel remarks towards Lucette, she just gives her a stern look then changes the topic. Parfait is a coward and ultimately that caused problems. Another thing that showed Lucette did not deserve this was her relationship with her dad. She's so forgiving in every route she tries to build a relationship with him again and it just boggles me. He spent 4 years after Hildyr's death ignoring and mistreating her but for some reason, he gets the chance at forgiveness? And they try to remedy this by saying he couldn't be near her because of Hildyr and he hosted those surprise parties for her but that all stopped when Hildyr died. Meaning he stopped expressing his love for her. And for no reason too since no one was blocking him from it. I do agree that he showed more care towards Emelaigne and Rod than his own child which is disgusting. This game loves making Lucette the villain or the bad person but no one else was held accountable for their actions.
This game is the reason why i'm into visual novel development right now, it's really beautiful and inspiring and sticks to the memory :-:❤️ i loved it
Thank you so much, yes it will be a visual novel (otome) called dress code ribbon, it's my first time trying to do everything, from writing the script to character design and I'm stuck at learning programming language but I'm having the most fun experience ❤️
Sorry for the late response i noticed tge notification today but reading what my self 200 days ago said dis put a smile on my face
Thank you!
same with me
one of the best otome games out there truly!
- Rod's route: Heart thumps BRUHHHHHHHHHH </3 I'm so sad they can't be together. This route made me so goddamn soft I give it 8/10 relationship was v slow at first but a slipperly slope after the second half. Felt kinda rushed idk
- Karma's route: OK IM BLUSHING OK CHILL :) Karma was my favourite from the start because I'm a bisexual mess, but HOLY SHITTTT mans straight up swept me off my FEET. After all the rose imagery I guessed that his curse was based off of beauty and the beast, but the reveal was still really well written! For sure a solid 7/10. Karma's character was a bit empty at first, but he built well throughout the story. I'm putting his route below Rod's in rating because of writing, but in terms of overall enjoyment and romance I'd give it a 10 without a doubt
- Rumpel's route: SO GODDAMN WHOLESOME. This is exactly what i needed to make me feel less depressed and worthless all the time :') At first I was unsure if I would actually enjoy Rumple's route (he didn't really seem like my type AT ALL), but it very nearly made me cry. The only real issues I have with this route is that Lucette never seemed like she would suit Rumpel? Obviously they did end up clicking, but it just didn't make as much sense to me and there wasn't as much natural chemistry as with the other characters. This route really set me up well for the overaching narrative that was being conveyed throughout the entire game (especially in the last two routes), and it was done so splendidly! 7/10
- Fritz's route: Sobbing. Fucking sobbing. 100% lore 100% PAIN. Literally kill me I can't take this. I was already messed up by CHAPTER 4! THATS WAY TOO EARLY. Also,,,hot dominant alter ego hehe yeah ;) I pretty much guessed that Barg was at least connected to Fritz from his first appearance, but OH BOY. I sure do love me some dual personalities! And moral ambiguity. Love that very very much. Also, adiuva is actually a latin phrase with two meanings! It's a second-person imperative of adiuvo and can either mean "me" as in "you" (basically calling the other person as if they were yourself) or it can mean 'you help' or 'you assist.' Thought that was interesting given Fritz's curse. if I'm being totally honest, I very nearly played this entire route in one sitting because I was so hooked by the story :') 9/10 for angst all the way until it was suddenly toothrotting fluff
- Waltz's route: True route. No other routes exist after I played this one. Karma? Who the fuck is that? Fritz? WEAK COMPARED TO WALTZ OH MY GOD-- Lucette and Waltz were made for each other and it's so beautiful I'm crying. This is some good shit okay? There is only one man and his name is Waltz. heart </3 I was grinning like an idiot for so much of this route. Especially that one scene in chapter 8 :) I screamed so loud holy shit. Also the ending, I cannot flaw it. It was such a beautiful fairytale ending and it made me so goddamn happy. I cried a lot :') Actually wait, I think I can flaw the ending. I really wanted Waltz to propose to Lucette but alas...Anyway, thank you for making such a lovely game! I give this route (and the game as a whole) 10/10
Someone please help me. After I donated, the link for mediafire isn't loading... how can I download this for windows :(
nvm mediafire is down so I'll just have to wait lol
Me, playing through all the routes in the recommended order:
Loved this game more and more (finished most of it in 2 days), I had seen it before on my feed but was super skeptical for some reason, and then I got Visual Novel depraved and gave it a shot. Honestly? I fell face-first for half these characters within 5 minutes, and will have a hard time reverting back to reality. Lol
TLDR; Wonderful game, I love that it has solid grammar and actual character art/cgs/music/etc. So; thank you for making this, truly it's just astounding.
**But I gotta ask; Sebby Plush when??
I have a serious pair of questions. One, what was it that Mythros was going to ask of Lucette in Rod route, and two WHY ISN'T IT POSSIBLE TO DATE MYTHROS!??! HE IS SOO FREAKING DARK AND HAWT AND I NEED IT!!
I was 17 or so when I played this for the first time. Accustomed to the higher production of other VNs, I was kinda sceptical to play this. Even though there were some things that I had liked, I thought that this was okay, but not my favorite. But one day, I got my eyes opened when I played this a second time. Maybe because I blinded myself on purpose back then but have matured since lol I don't know how and why XD So suddenly, this became one of my favorites. It has been months since I last played, but I always remember the feelings this VN got me to feel XD I'm sorry I can't review with details like I always do to others, but please receive these small compliments of mine in this ocean of praises >.<
Thank you for creating this game. Thank you for making me like indie games. Thank you for making this game free when I was still a broke-ass person [still now, but I guess I have money and a way of paying now lol]. I have not bought Evermore just yet, but I'm planning to, absolutely :)
i'm very picky when it comes to visual novels but this one stole my heart.
is anyone else unable to download the game? It starts trying to intall but in a few seconds it stops. Im using a mac btw.
try downloading it on website
I will! Thank you!
Hello, I realized that even though the sequel is out, this game has never been translated into other languages? If possible, I would love to participate in a translation of the game in French, I have seen in the steam community that others would love to help with as well! If this the least we could do to make this wonderful game more accessible, I would love to help as well!
You should try reaching out to the team on their Tumblr.
This game is very beautiful and magic, I played it on Steam :D
Even though you cannot really customize the character, and after learning that the choices aren't as vast or as personalized as other VNs, this is definitely worth it. This was the first VN I had ever played and am quite fond towards it. The story was so well written and executed, that I genuinely became attached to the characters and the MC, and it's one of the few VN's that left me feeling sad after it ended lol. Download it for sure.
aaah~ so excited for the release of the sequel! it sucks that i can't play it bc it's paid :(
There's gonna be a sequel??