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aight chief. waltz's route had no goddamn business making me cry that hard and fall that in love.

(1 edit) (+3)

I just played and this is marvelous! It's so good, love it so much! In games you usually have a character you hate but in this one you'll learn to love everyone and their curses are so well implemented, it really suits them. I was so curious about everybody's curse. I also love the main character, I'm tired of always playing a goody-good heroine, a flawed heroine is always more interesting. I've finished all the good and bad endings, and I highly suggest to either go for the bad endings first or don't go for the bad endings anymore after you got a good ending because they'll just break you. EVERY single one of the bad endings broke my heart. I've picked Karma first, then Rod, Rumpel, Waltz and then Fritz. The game was so worth it!

Will you considering doing a android version?


I cannot even begin to tell you how much I love this game! I fell in love with each and every character I came across and cried more times than I want to admit. This game gives you so much, especially since you can download it for free. The characters, the art, and the story line are amazing, I just wish I could play it for the first time all over again just so I can experience it from the start :)


This game is actually TOO good! You can't go wrong with any of the routes! I played the Karma route first then I played Rod, Fritz, Waltz, and finally Rumpel. I didn't think I would like Rumpel at the beginning but I actually loved them all! I don't think I've ever played a game so fast or been so addicted! I can't wait for Evermore! I love them all for different reasons, but maybe Rod or Karma are my favorite. Overall this is hands down the BEST game I've ever played! Thank you Dicesuki!

Deleted 2 years ago
(2 edits) (+2)

TLDR; take the plunge and play the game. Play it in the suggested order too. This game took up 4 whole days of my quarantine life. Thank you Dicesuki (cutest name ever). I played the game for free and bought the art book after because that's how much this game enchanted me. <3

I'm literally so late to the otome game hype. I tried them when I was younger but I never liked them. This, however, holy cow. I have a hard time comprehending literature often as English isn't my first language. Each story took me a few hours to complete because I just loved the art style and writing. The story and world-building is quite cohesive and the way the game stays true to MCs personality is really what brings it all together.

Typically, otome game MCs are super submissive and timid, almost no character. Lucette, on the other hand, is such a relatable (maybe not to everyone) and complex character that has obvious pains and struggles because of her past.

I can't rank the boys, okay? The age thing doesn't bother me because it's probably set way back when. Lucette is 17/18, youngest love interest is 16 and oldest is 24. Honestly, when playing games like these, it's best to suspend your belief.


I love this game so much! ~ my Fav is Rod but second one is Fritz <3 

Deleted post

MC: No, no, no, no

Screen: Bad Ending

Me: No, no, no, no!

This game was really refreshing compared the other games I used to play. Playing this game has probably been the most fun I've had during this pandemic. Though, I've only played through Karma's story first, I'm excited to see the rest. I hope there would be a second game or even a console game. Considering their are little to none Otome games on console, but I've seen at least multiple guy visual novels.

Deleted post
Deleted 2 years ago
(3 edits) (+3)

Aaaaaah I love this game so much (T~T)

I played this game a few years ago but I didn't have an account back then so I never made a review, but I'm here now to say that this game is amazing!! I remember playing my favourite routes multiple times and going back to try and get all the endings, both good and bad. I still cry over it ;-; 

I'm definitely going to go replay the game after I finish writing this, it's been years and i missed the characters so much! But I just had to write this first ^^


I LOVED ROD'S ROUTE AAAAAA- He is definitely my favourite and I missed him so much (T~T) But his good ending was bittersweet for me, I wanted them to be able to be happy in peace but they could only be together in secret ;-; The one downside to his route- was the fact that they were still step-siblings at the end, I didn't really like that ;-; I wish there was a way for them to be together without having to be step-siblings. bUT I STILL LOVED IT!

The story and their interactions were just too good! He stole my heart in his route. It was  the first route I played and I wasn't expecting much but it was so good, he set the bar very high for the other routes. 

I actually wasn't expecting Rod to be the character that I would like the most. When I was looking at all the characters before I played this game, I thought that my favourite would be Waltz or Fritz! But then I played it and it was Rod! But Karma is a very close second.

I had a lot of high expectations for Waltz because his type of character is usually one of my favourites in Visual Novel/Otome games, but from what I remember from his route.. it was very.. plain? I don't know, it's been a while. Maybe my opinions will have changed, but Rod was just too good. <3

AAAAA how could I forget? I also really loved Delora! I loved how she was like a motherly figure.

Anyways, I am definitely going to go replay the game now! It's been years and I missed everyone (T~T)

Deleted post

many people dat play this game is single...  do u agree with me?


Can anyone else not install this via the App?


I can't either :(

Deleted 2 years ago

As much as I enjoyed the game, my main complaint is how one of the routes is the MC basically dating her brother. While yes, it's not really dating someone related to her by blood, it does make me uncomfortable because adopted/step-families are still families. Making Rod a dateable option, for me personally, made me unhappy for families that do adopt or are step-families and families that are not necessarily related entirely by blood. I still love the plot/curse of Rod's route, and it was fun, but it did make me uncomfortable to a point (though they at least somewhat acknowledged it).

Waltz was nice, but in comparison to the other routes I found him rather boring. In all the other routes, both the MC and her love interest develops as a character/person that ends up working together... but in Waltz's route, he just 'taught the MC to be good/kind' and he stayed exactly the same. 

That's not to say that I disliked the game; the art is gorgeous, the UI was beautiful, and I really liked the writing and all the characters; the two complaints are above are the only complaints I really had about the whole game.

(3 edits) (+3)(-11)

I love this game overall, it has a good plot, good characters that grow and it's basically like the Cinderella story but at the same time nothing like the Cinderella story

But I have to say, Delora is arguably the worst character, what I mean by that is, she's really mean. first she has the audacity to say "you're heartless" despite knowing  how neglected she felt and how justified her attitude is, she's mostly raised by her mother for god's sake! And her Mother wasn't really a god example for a child to follow either! She felt her mother was the only person that loved her and felt like even her own father didn't want her and treasured his step children more then he cared about his blood related daughter, DO YOU KNOW HOW BETRAYED SHE MUST'VE FELT? And I lost my mind the second she said "Cursing you was the only way" OR SOME BULL CRAP, YOU WERE A TALKING DOLL, YOU COULD'VE SAID SOMETHING LIKE "If you keep acting like this you don't know what bad things might happen" AND MAKE SOMETHING BAD HAPPEN AND TELL HER THIS EVERY NIGHT SO SHE FEELS PARANOID INTO DOING SOMETHING GOOD, LIKE A NORMAL HUMAN BEING. YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO FRICKING TAKE HER WHOLE LIFE AWAY, THAT'S FRICKING MESSED UP MAN, THOUGH NEITHER IS MAKING HER PARANOID BUT I'D DO AT LEAST SOMETHING ELSE

And saying Delora is the worst is just an opinion, I just don' her, she just makes me uncomfortable I guess

Excuse me, that's all

Edit: Did I actually say that? I do think Delora is rude and didn't need to take her whole life away but what I said is phycological torture, What the heck was I on???


have u played fritz's route tho? delora is sO sweet




bruh i wanted to date Delora


Lol, to be honest, your scenario of what Delora could have done instead (telling Lucette bad things will happen if she doesn't change, then orchestrating said bad things, and doing this repeatedly every night, making her paranoid) is way worse--that's straight-up psychological torture/warfare 😂

Meanwhile, there's precedent in actual fairy tales for curses to have been used to teach people lessons to help them change, which Delora even mentions in the story 😅

I admit that in the early routes (Rod, Karma, Rumpel) you don't see as much of her so you mostly get her mean comments, but she's also trying to play "bad-cop" to Parfait's "good-cop" in order to prompt/goad Lucette into changing, and her relationship with Lucette progresses much more than that in Fritz's and Waltz's routes.

Therefore, I don't think it can be reasonably said that Delora is worse than Lucette's mother, who literally murders people (including Delora's daughter, who was a young child) and brainwashed and abused her own child 😕

I never said Delora is worst than Lucette's Mother,  Hildry is way worse.  I'm sorry that you misunderstood, I meant that Lucette is clearly trying to follow her Mother which isn't good and has personal trauma I guess


Ah, gotcha, I guess I took "arguably the worst character" a bit too literally 😅

And yes, 100% agree with you on the bit about Lucette imitating her Mother due to personal trauma (and brainwashing and magical memory wipes). I guess my disagreement is that while I don't deny that Delora can be mean and harsh at times, especially in the early routes, I would NOT say it makes her a terrible character. It's my perspective that this is a somewhat intentional part of their strategy to change Lucette--Delora plays "bad cop" to goad/anger Lucette and Parfait plays "good cop" to even this out. 

Lol, and I definitely stand by my thought that your alternative for how Delora could have handled Lucette is WAY worse than what she actually did 😂😂😂. I'll take some petty/occasionally actually hurtful comments over psychological torture 😜


why does it take me to a mediafire site when trying to download the game? the sute isn't secure at all. i thought it would download like usual. not take me to an external, unsafe nd unsecure link that's broken. i'll skip this.


Dude, just download it for free on Steam, it's not a big deal. And as far as "dowloading mediafile sites" go, mediafire is pretty damn legit compared to many others, cool yo jets 😅


if it's not a "big deal", why aren't you able to download it the usual way? I'm not downloading anything if the site is unsecured and the lock is broken. I'll skip on steam too. 


Have fun skipping on a brilliant story then 

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit) (+10)

This game is just amazing!! I fell so much in love with the story! Be prepared to laugh and cry, and just be enchanted with the world and characters brought by Dicesuki. 

Lucette, the MC is a badass. Her character at first might seem to rough but as the story moves along, you come to understand her and see where all that attitude is coming from. 

All the routes are very charming and have a very original spin on the fairy tales, but Karma for me is the best, followed by Walts and Fritz. 

I could say so much more of this story but I will let you all go an experience it for yourself. And the best is that a sequel is coming up at the end of this year, so it is the best time to sail away and start shipping ;)


I won't lie and say it's not got an interesting premise, but it's also painfully heterosexual and transphobic. One of the routes is incest. I wanted to like this game and I went in without reading any reviews or anything, but...I don't.

(1 edit) (+38)(-3)

Bro, just because something is heterosexual doesn't mean it's "painful," and just because Karma took offense at being hit on when he was disguised as a woman doesn't make the game or it's developers "transphobic"--that's a little extreme. This is a free game loosely based on fairy tales that happen to be heterosexual in nature. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy gay/lesbian/bi visual novels too and own more than a few myself, but just because a small-scale game doesn't have gay representation shouldn't make it "painfully heterosexual."

Also, Lucette and Rod aren't related by blood and have only known each other for a year, so it's not like they were raised as siblings. Therefore, I wouldn't count it as "incest" in a way that should squick people out. Will it cause problems in the political world? Yes, absolutely. Is it gross? I'd say no, for the above reasons (not related/no sibling bond). Like, if the "incest" could literally be solved by the parents getting a divorce, then it doesn't really count as incest in my mind  ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍


I guess now is almost the rule to include a route with a gay/lesbian/bi character in an otome game, but let's not mark a game as painfully heterosexual if it doesn't have one. Let's just enjoy the games for what they are. 

And I agree with @AverageWeirdo on the incest topic. It was indeed something risky to add a route with such a complicated background, but the characters are not blood related, and barely now each other, so in essence they are not really family. 


I wholeheartedly agree with you on all points. The OP comment was tactless and unnecessary. I own several LGBT otome games\VNs myself and I enjoy the representation but I'm not self centered or entitled enough to throw a fit about the heterosexual games that exist. At it's base, A VN like this one is an extension of  a story or part of the artist and they don't owe you ANYTHING in a story they are giving you to play for free. People really will complain about anything, even the things handed to them for little to nothing at all. It's unfortunate.


Yeah, that's going too far. If a game doesn't have representation of all minorities, it doesn't make it vicious in any way. And your incest comment is a stretch since they are not blood related. I think it's sad that the world has come to this, that something is of less value because it didn't meet absolutely everyone's expectations. How about just enjoying a well-written story for what it is?


I agree with you fully. 2020 is such a sad year. I hate to think of what's to come.

Deleted 349 days ago

Who gives a fuck if the game doesn't include a guy with a pussy. The game doesn't have to live up to your shitty irrelevant standars.


yikes, thanks for the warning. incest routes (even if they're adopted) already squick me out, but transphobia? eww


theres no transphobia or homophobia in this game lmao and they arent blood related tho it did weird me out a little other than that the story line and art is amazing i totally recommend playing it it

Deleted 2 years ago

This game is absolutely and utterly fantastic!!!! One of the best otome games (and it’s unbelievably free!! I would definitely donate if I were bot such a broke college student T_T). Kudos for the people behind this project, you are all soooo amaziiing and wonderful ♥️. I personally liked Rod, Waltz, and Karma’s route <3. I liked the romance going on between the MC and Rod (I don’t have a fetish between incest or something //>_<//). I just don’t think it’s weird since they didn’t really form some ‘siblingly’ bond or relationship and the forbidden romance + bittersweet ending was juuust *~*, I was suprised enjoyed this route a lot. Karma’s route was a good introduction to the game and wasn’t plot-heavy. Waltz was just absolutely magical and nostalgic. I still liked Fritz route but I think the MC’s relationship with him went too fast since it was really mostly Varg.Rumpel’s didn’t just really ‘clicked’ with meI really liked how the MC’s personality slowly developed throughout the story. Overall the game is fantastic and magical!! <3 . More power and future projects for the creator/s of this game! <3


I can say that this is hands down the best I've played so far. The art is beautiful and the plot and characters were so well-written. Each route was unique even if they tell the same story. The choices you make are important and really has an impact to the story as a whole. Karma is best boy but I also fell in love with Varg. This made me laugh and cry. I can't wait to play some more!


Right? But I wouldn't say each route tells the same story--if you play the game in the suggested order (Rod/Karma/Rumpel/Fritz/Waltz) you really see the story progress and evolve, with more pieces of the puzzle being revealed in each route, and all of them together form one overarching story, which I LOVE (/≧▽≦)/

(1 edit)

so i caught wind on the steam community that you guys are planning to release a route for varg

just wanted to know if this is true so i dont get my hopes too high

Hi ! I absolutely fell in love with your game and If I have your permission, I would love to make a "let's play" of this game on my Youtube Channel ? 

I tried to download this game again and again but it keeps saying "this title is hosted on an incompatible third party website". What should I do?

Hi, I don't know if you still need help but what I did was just get it from Steam, its still free and it comes with everything listed here. Also, I'm pretty sure there is a guide for each route although I haven't checked yet. Hope I helped ~(* v *~)

thank you very much! I will try!

How do you get the good ending with Rod?

check out the walkthroughs online. I think you need to get all the answers correct 

Deleted 2 years ago

I'd recommend in general just having the "good choice indicator" on. Save every time you make a "choice," and if you make a decision and the indicator doesn't show up by the end of the scene/within 1 minute, then go back and choose the other option ;)


This was really great! It gave me mixed emotions when I played. I would really love to see more of your games. Ack, I'm still so emotional after finishing all good endings. 


please, PLEASEEE make more of games like this.

i just LOVED this game so much. It made me cry, laugh and fall in frickin love. 

Deleted 2 years ago

Omg really?? Do you know when they're going to release it?

Deleted 2 years ago


OMG!!! Thank you so much for telling us, I haven't checked their tumblr since Covid started so I had no idea! Is early access for everyone, I wonder? I hope so, I'm willing to pay some CASH MONEY if I have to, I just want to play this game! I've been following it's progress for around 2 years now, I can't believe we have an official release date! *SQUEE!!!* (/≧▽≦)/



thank you for telling me TwT

Deleted 2 years ago

Great game really. Could be even better it there was a couple of endings for the MC who decided to stay cold and bitter. Pity I didn't catch the game in the development to make a suggestion :D


No! It would of ruin her character development. Plus it would made each ruin pointless if that the case. Each routes show us that she's just a misunderstood girl who was manipulated to become someone she was not.    


Why not? That's the matter of perception. She was manipulated by her mother "for her own good" without her concent and now she is manipulated ones more "for her own good" without her consent. She could totally refuse to be manipulated, leave Märchen and fade to obscurity as "bad ending", or she could understand her mother's mistakes and wrongdoings but still refuse to be manipulated again, just tough the curse out till her 18th birthday and some day become an Ice Queen with her rule driven not by kindness and compassion but by duty and "Noblesse oblige" as "good ending". To be her own person - even if it means to stay cold and distand - not necessary means to be evil you know ;)

Now this is where ao3 comes to help... it's a fic called Bloodlines go support my friend

Thank you, I definitly give it a try ;)


I just want to say that this game is amazing. I originally downloaded it on Steam around 2-3 years ago, and after playing it the first time I promptly donated $20USD to the creators for making such a FABULOUS game! The characters, story, designs, relationships, and ambiance are all extremely well-done and I have sunk in over 60 hours in at least 3 play-throughs and have made all 14 achievements (not sure which was worse, getting all the bad endings or trying to get all the good endings without the right-choice indicator--my heart was broken many-a-time, let's put it that way). This game is a true joy and is honestly in the top 3 visual novels I've ever played, including ones I've paid for! If you haven't played this game, I highly, highly recommend it--I promise you won't be disappointed :)


I donated as soon as I finished too! 

(2 edits) (+1)

That's awesome! It's such a great game, the developers completely deserve all the support and love we can give them! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

(Also, apparently the Epilogue Game/Sort of Sequel is FINALLY coming out this November!!! Go check out their tumblr if you haven't already:

(1 edit) (+4)

Honestly this is the best game ever. The stories are sooo good and every character's personality is so interesting. I've played through the whole game quite a few times now and I cry and fall in love every single time. I'd have to say that despite him only being apart of Fritz's curse Varg stole my heart. I fell for the big bad wolf.


I know!!! I loved Varg as a character and I honestly shipped her more with him than Fritz... :(. I can see why the creators didn't have them end up together (not the healthiest of relationships, to say the least), but that doesn't stop me from feeling sad for the poor wolf either. 

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit) (+3)

Man... One of the best games I've ever played. The characters are so well done and developed, I mean I could not rest until I got all the characters, both good and bad endings. It got me sleepless for 3 days, and almost woke up plp in the house with my girl screams at some scenes xD Also cried tones, even with the good endings.



Does the creator get more money if we buy from, or from steam?

not sure, i guess neither since it's a free game. but on itch you can pay extra from your own choice, and get digital artbook for 5$

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm not sure either, but I personally donated them money after I played it for free on Steam because I felt they had done such a great job and deserved some love (read: cashmoney) ;p


I've been doing them in the recommended order and I just got done with the Rumple route. I got the bad ending. I couldn't function for 5 minutes and I'm still crying a little


The "right choice" indicator is your friend, my dude! Use it, and rejoice ;p

can someone tell me how to download this game?

Try downloading on Steam instead

I just tried and didn't have any issues. I clicked the above "Download Now" button, click the option for your operating system, both take you to a mediafire download page where you just click the green Download button which downloads the relevant zip file.

i cant play this game because it said that there's a third party website.. i am playing on mac book btw


Absolutely amazing! This game is something else...

(Spoiler free)

To really get the full picture of everything that has happened in the past, the backstories of the characters and just everything in general, you really need to play through every route. I played through in the order suggested on the page, and honestly, I feel like that's the best move. Rod's route is by far the least intense, and it really gets you attached to the world of Angielle, and to Lucette. Progressing in the suggested order allows you to piece everything together in a really natural way. What I did was to play through each route the good way, and then quickly through again to get the bad ending. I did that for all of them except for Waltz's, because I didn't really want to end on a bad note! Each route took about three hours.

Overall, yeah! Definitely play this game! Even if you only play through one route (but I'm pretty sure once you do that you'll probably want to keep going!) it's well worth it, with such amazing script writing and art. It's so well thought out, and I was sooo emotionally invested by the end!

Thanks for the game!

PS I've seen a lot of people saying to play Fritz's last instead of Waltz's,  but honestly that route felt the least connected to me. It definitely tied everything together really well, and Fritz is precious, but even the good ending didn't feel that fulfilling, whereas Waltz's was perfect in terms of closure and emotional connection to Lucette! It tied everything up nicely! And we love Waltz \(^o^)/


gotta admit the art is amazing 


This was simply amazing! One of the best VN's I've seen so far. Thank you.


I got this game from Steam and its wonderful. I really recommend people try this if you haven't already. This is probably the best Visual Novel I have played in a long time, even tho I cried and lost my shit. It is also free which is epic because the art is amazing, the muisc is fun and the characters are to die for. I have payed more for less, this game is just amazing. I played the recommended order and it escalated very quickly. Walts, Frits(and V), and possibly Karma are all my top beans, but I still love Rumple.*SPOILER*-- Rod is good too but he is the step-brother so it's sorta weird to me but he is a fun character and his route was interesting. ALSO........ Fritz needs his own route. like Fritz and V need a route each. During the Fritz route we see more of Varg, so obviously I loved the as*hat, but no matter what we don't get Varg and we dont geth the time with Fritz. 'Twas sad Also I am proud of myself for getting all the achievments. It's not a big deal but shhhhh let me have this. 


wow i applaud you for getting all the bad endings i could only take two of them rod's and waltz (┳Д┳)  add to that the amount of death in waltz's route (┳Д┳) since the story alone is enough to make me weep every route TAT and so i hereby award you this: 

*takes out a red ribbon* DE RIBBON OF COURAGE!

 and a tissue box *hands you a tissue box* you earned them (  ̄^ ̄)


Oh yes, tissues... I needed a lot of those after the game. I cried for all of them, Fritz twice. 

I got all the bad endings first then went back and got all the good endings because my heart was crushed

Fritz route was so messed up, like there was a lot of death in Waltz route, but fRITZ’S ROUTE UGHHHH Even the good ending was sad. \(;´□`)/ And Rods bad ending heisbsjdksb It was my first route, so it was also my first bad ending, and I was so shocked when he died that I laugh-cried. (;*△*;) 


*pats pats* i know ( T^T ) all of them had sad times especially waltz and Fritz T-T and our MC is among them too TWT

omg how did you get the light & darkness achievment?


Hi! How are you? Sorry for bother.

I have a question/petition; can I make a Spanish Translation of Cinderella Phenomenon? I really love this game and I want that the Spanish spaekers that don't know English can play it. I'll give all the respect credits, don't worry about that, I'll be glad if I can make the translation patch. Thank you for reading.

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